HARVARD: A Washington, Idaho & Montana railroad station nine miles east of Potlatch, platted and dedicated May 28, 1906. Named by Homer W. Canfield, who owned much land along WI&M location. He did not consent to the proposal, but assumed that he could choose a name; he chose Harvard. This set a pattern for college names along the line.
From A to Z in Latah County, Idaho by Lalia Phipp Boon
ONAWAY: Incorporated town just NE of Potlatch. Formerly Bulltown, for the pioneer Bull family. Onaway was a stage stop on the Wells Fargo line from Palouse to Grizzle Camp in the 1880s. The town ceased to thrive after Potlatch was established as a company town.
From A to Z in Latah County, by Lalia Phipp Boon
PRINCETON: Princeton was founded in 1896 and named by Orville Clough, prominent lumber man and donor of the school site, for his hometown of Princeton, Minnesota. One of eight WI&M railroad stations bearing the names of colleges, one of two not named by college students, four miles east of Potlatch.
When construction on the WI&M began, Princeton was already a town with a Post Office, Hotel, Store, Livery Stable, Blacksmith Shop, two saloons and a Stage Stop for the Palouse-Hoodoo stagecoach. It had started as a convenient stopping place during the mining boom, the placering by the Chinese, and the Hoodoos in the mid 1870's. The Princeton Post Office opened April 18, 1894.
From A to Z in Latah County, by Lalia Phipp Boon