MISSION STATEMENT: The Potlatch Recreation District is a non-profit, state sanctioned (Title 31) Taxing District, which is defined by the same boundary as the Potlatch School District #285. The purpose of the Potlatch Recreation District is to ensure tax monies for the continuation, improvement and expansion of recreation and its facilities, for people of all ages within the district boundary lines. (Adopted 2/17/2005) (Not affiliated with the City of Potlatch)
President: Salie Anderson
Secretary: Edith Simons
Treasurer: David Brown
The Potlatch Recreation District meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm in Potlatch City Hall 195 6th Street, Potlatch.
PLEASE make sure that your project qualifies for Potlatch Recreation District grant money. Review Idaho State Statute Codes 31-4316 and 31-4317.
ALL application submitted must show how the project will qualify for grant money under these State Statutes.
CLICK HERE to download the
Potlatch Recreation District's grant application.