What is a Comprehensive Plan?
All truly successful ventures require planning. If the City of Potlatch is to become what its citizens want, then the people of Potlatch must have a plan of how to get there. They must be assured that the City's government, as embodied in the City Council and Mayor, understands both the vision of the future and the plan to get there.
The City of Potlatch's Comprehensive Plan is the official public statement of the City's planning goals, policies and objectives. These provide the guidelines that attempt to maintain and improve the quality of life enjoyed by those who live in Potlatch. The responsibility of maintaining and improving the qualify of life in the City is a responsibility shared jointly by the City's government officials and citizens alike.
What would you like to see the City accomplish in the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years? If you have ideas that you would like added to the "Comp Plan", please e-mail them to the City.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of
the 2018 Comprehensive Plan.